Pope Benedict

Two efforts to support the pope and the priesthood

Here are two items I’d like to bring to your attention: This is the third day of a novena for Pope Benedict initiated by the Knights of Columbus. It began on Divine Mercy Sunday and ends on Monday, April 19, the fifth anniversary of the pope’s election. It’s not too late to join in —  … Read more

The Better Pope?

Ross Douthat’s column in this Sunday’s New York Times is definitely a thought-provoking one. He notes that, whereas Pope Benedict is repeatedly pummeled by the press, John Paul II was generally well-liked, or at least respected — but that doesn’t mean that he was necessarily the better pope: The last pope was a great man, … Read more

Pope Under Attack

Last week, Peggy Noonan wrote that the media has done the Church a service in its reporting on the sex-abuse scandal. To a certain extent, I agree: Unfortunately, I believe that some in the Church would have continued ignoring or, in some cases, covering up instances of abuse. But the media has gone overboard with its misreporting … Read more

Laying down one’s life…or at least an organ.

Dallas received word today that Pope Benedict has appointed two new auxiliary bishops to the rapidly growing diocese: Father J. Douglas Deshotel and Monsignor Mark Seitz will take up their posts in late April. But this won’t be the first time that Monsignor Seitz will have made the local news. He’s already gained some notoreity … Read more

Pope: St. Francis the model for dialogue with Muslims

In his audience last Wednesday, Pope Benedict spoke about the model St. Francis provides for dialogue with other religions, particularly Islam. Francis met in 1210 with the leading Muslim leader, Sultan Malik al-Kamil, in Egypt: “I want to underline this episode in the life of St. Francis because of its great relevance. At a time … Read more

Pope tells tribunals to get tough on annulments

Catholic News Service reports that Pope Benedict has asked marriage tribunals not to grant annulments too easily. “We run the risk of falling into an anthropological pessimism which, in the light of today’s cultural situation, considers it almost impossible to marry,” the pope said in a speech Jan. 29 to members of the Tribunal of … Read more

‘Go forth and blog’

In his “World Day of Communications” address released over the weekend, Pope Benedict encouraged priests to take advantage of the new media on behalf of the new evangelization: The pope, whose own presence on the Web has heavily grown in recent years, urged priests on Saturday to use all multimedia tools at their disposal to … Read more

Friday Free-for-All

Time for your Friday morning round-up: Via the Anchoress, Archbishop Dolan on the earthquake in Haiti: “Haiti is the broken, bloody body of Jesus, in the arms of His blessed mother, crying out to the world now for aid and assistance.” If you’re still looking for a way to help, Lizzie has one of the … Read more

More saints come marching in…

On Friday, CatholicCulture.org reported that Pope Benedict met with Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. At that time, the pope approved numerous miracles, allowing for the canonization of five Catholics and the beatification of five others. Additionally, ten people were declared “Venerable” — having lived lives of heroic virtue. Among … Read more

What to Expect from the Pope’s Visit

When it comes to Pope Benedict XVI’s visit in Jerusalem this week, there is much skepticism on both sides of the Israeli wall. The average Israeli “doesn’t care” about the pope’s trip, says Gershon Baskin, president of the Israeli Palestinian Center for Research and Information. The expectation is that the pope will say something about … Read more

The Future of the Legion and the SSPX

    There are two big questions hanging in the air among my friends:   What will happen to the members of the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi? What will happen between the Vatican and the Society of St. Pius X? These issues keep our attention for a shaggy passel of reasons, ranging from … Read more

Stealing from Supernaturalism

Christopher Hitchens, in a fairly typical misreading of the Judeo-Christian tradition, is fond of pointing out that “the Jewish people did not get all the way to Mount Sinai under the impression that murder and theft and perjury were okay.” Oblivious to the Church’s entire tradition of the natural law, he fancies he’s scored a … Read more

Embracing Il Papa

  Stretching from the Southeast gate of the White House around the corner to Constitution Avenue, a line of people from as far away as California began forming at 7:00AM yesterday. They were among the 12,000 people who greeted Pope Benedict XVI on the South Lawn of the White House at his official welcome after … Read more

An Open Letter to Pope Benedict

Holy Father, welcome to my country. Your presence cheers thousands of us Catholic professors and students who love the Church and want her to be more of a presence in our lives at school. You will find more enthusiasm than suspicion among the young, who are coming to see that the secularism they have been … Read more

Pope Benedict and Nature’s Genius

It has been one year since Pope Benedict XVI’s ill-starred Regensburg Address. We say “ill-starred” because the media fixated on a side comment the pope made about Islam, apparently to clinch a depiction of the pope as intolerant. In the process, they obscured the luminous center of the pope’s speech, the relationship of science and … Read more

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