The Lord of the Rings

The Universal Call to Hobbitness

The temptation to be distracted from our own precious plots of land is terrible, as every man, looking into his pocket palantír, sees the forces of evil arrayed to destroy the world he loves. 

Crisis, Church Reform, and the Lay Vocation

A dozen or so years ago, a colleague gave me a little wooden plaque for my office. I’ve had it on my bookshelf ever since. On it are carved these words: “It is as bad as you think, and they are out to get you.” The colleague who gave it to me is a Capuchin … Read more

J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings: Handbook of Hope

“Where there’s life there’s hope, as my Gaffer used to say; and need of vittles, as he mostways used to add.” In this weary world, two of the most formidable pitfalls lying in wait for our stumbling feet are the temptations of doubt and despondency. Whether the cause of discouragement lies within or without, it can be … Read more

Tolkien Alternatives to the “Benedict Option”

What’s happened to the world? Even a quick glance at the newsfeeds will confirm it: times are dark, full of spiritual confusions and physical dangers. Sweeping judicial fiats have redefined the nature of human relationships with a speed, boldness, and radicalness that even Comrade O’Brien might find injudicious; educational revisionists now baldly proclaim their utilitarian … Read more

The Desolation of Peter Jackson

There must be something about New Zealand that brings out the megalomania in movie makers. It recently was announced that James Cameron, that titan of trite who brought us the “morality tale” of Titanic (with rich people falsely portrayed as scrambling for other people’s places on life boats, as if to say all rich people, … Read more

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