When Harry Became Sally (2018)

Transgenderism: Mutilating the Reproductive Function

Austin Ruse rightly praises Ryan Anderson’s new book, When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement, due out February 20. The book is an authoritative compendium of arguments on transgenderism, exposing much of the “science” and “medicine” that pretends sex is a state of mind. My favorite argument from Anderson’s forthcoming book is, however, what I … Read more

The Medical Monsters Among Us

Ryan Anderson has published a nuanced, reasoned, and thoughtful book-length argument against the transgender moment and ideology. Within this reasoned and thoughtful argument, he has also written a blistering condemnation of complicit doctors and therapists that reads somewhat like a legal brief. There is a great deal to commend in the book When Harry Became … Read more

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