Progressives, conservatives, and libertarians were given a basic economics quiz…

This is just too good to miss: A Zogby International survey measuring basic economic knowledge across the ideological spectrum found that conservatives and libertarians rated quite well. Progressives and liberals? Not so much. Researcher and economics professor Daniel Klein explains: Zogby researcher Zeljka Buturovic and I considered the 4,835 respondents’ (all American adults) answers to … Read more

Revisiting ‘Christian Art’

Two years ago, Todd created a schema for discussing Christian Art that I’ve found very useful, even as I’ve made some adjustments to it.  Todd originally suggested: Category one: Directly Christian works. This category comprises works of art that have the mysteries of the Faith as their direct subject; eg Christ the Lord or “The … Read more

The Wild and Wooly Catholic Faith

Reflecting on Corpus Christi Sunday, Joe Escalante has a suggestion for getting kids more interested in the Faith: seize on the wild and supernatural. Focus on rivers of blood, secret language (Latin), 3D Gothic images, Gregorian chants, etc. And dress those Knights of Columbus like Roman soldiers for effect and get them out of those … Read more

LifeSiteNews has just published a story containing, to my mind, the surest sign of a decadent culture.  The chair of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Cape Town, David Benatar, has pubished a book, “Better To Never Have Been: The Harm of Coming Into Existence.”  The basic argument is this:  Human existence necessarily … Read more

The Surest Sign of a Decadent Culture

LifeSiteNews has just published a story containing, to my mind, the surest sign of a decadent culture.  The chair of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Cape Town, David Benatar, has pubished a book, “Better To Never Have Been: The Harm of Coming Into Existence.”  The basic argument is this:  Human existence necessarily … Read more

Lightning bolt! Roll to determine damage.

A company called “Wizards of the Coast” has re-packaged the iconic role-playing game “Dungeons & Dragons” into a bite-sized version that they’re hoping will attract us 40-something gamers of yore to play a stripped-down, abbreviated version of our old pasttime.  We can recapture just a bit of the fun we had in our youth while not … Read more

The Victory of Factum over Genitum

The solemn declaration of the Credo that “Christ was engendered, not made” (genitum, non factum), is pregnant with rich philosophical insights and is an inspiration to investigate two possible ways of relating to existence: to be made or to be engendered.   God is eternal and the Creator of heaven and earth, though our current … Read more

Media heirs might be stolen children

Between 1976 and 1983, Argentina was ruled by a military dictatorship who captured and tortured thousands of political prisoners. The UK’s Indepedent has an interesting story about a brother and sister — heirs to a big media fortune — who have been forced to submit to DNA testing to see if they are among the … Read more

Mugged by a Muse: The Poet and the Con

A man has dreams, and all too often, this one found himself drifting off on his pleasant and wishful clouds as he corrected yet another stack of undergraduate papers. Yes, being a professor had seemed so inviting — a life of tweed jackets, of dragging on the meerschaum, of good books and penetrating discussions, and … Read more

Swallows of Capistrano leaving the church of their fathers

Man, church attendance is down everywhere. The famous cliff swallows who nest every year at the Mission San Juan Capistrano in California have bypassed their traditional home for something a little more modern: Instead, they found graceful lodging in the eaves at the year-old Vellano Country Club. The private community boasts a golf course designed by … Read more

President Obama gets tough

A conversation overheard at the White House… Rahm Emmanuel: Mr. President, you need to toughen up about this oil spill, because you look like a *****. A little, pigtailed, tea-party dress wearing, oversized lollipop licking *****. President Obama: I see. And what would you suggest? Rahm Emmanuel: Well, Cupcake, I’d suggest you pretend Michelle married … Read more

Visit the Sick

  We moderns can be awfully smug when it comes to Old Testament laws about ritual impurity. As heirs to post-Enlightenment thought, it’s easy for us to basically assume they were nothing but pre-scientific attempts to avoid disease, as though the Old Testament was principally concerned with, “How do I avoid trichinosis?” but kept slipping … Read more

Sunday Comics (on a Monday): Uncle Harry’s Monkey’s Uncle, Part 9

Sorry; late again. Last episode, we saw a gorilla drive away in a fire engine.  At this point, anything can happen. As always, these pages come from Catholic University’s online archive of Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact.   I love the baby gorilla’s scream when Sharp unmasks… Next week: The Last Uncle Harry Story!

Helen Thomas retires.

Veteran journalist and public irritant Helen Thomas just announced her retirement, effective immediately. I wonder what might have prompted that? Her decision comes after her controversial remarks about Israel hit the blogosphere. She later apologized for her comments, saying she “deeply regretted” making them…. The reaction of most reporters, friends and former White House officials … Read more

The Rise of Cross-less Catholicism

In the Australian on May 22, Tess Livingston covered the new translation of the Missal. This good work needed early explanation. George Cardinal Pell, who was instrumental in the English translation, remarked: “The previous translators seemed a bit embarrassed to refer to angels, sacrifice and perpetual virginity. They went softly on sin and redemption.”   … Read more

Is the WHO’s reputation damaged?

Two European reports have accused the World Health Organization (WHO) of both exaggerating the threat of the H1N1 virus and failing to disclose important information about it. In Friday’s Washington Post, Rob Stein explained:    The WHO’s response caused widespread, unnecessary fear and prompted countries around the world to waste millions of dollars, according to … Read more

The Coming Anti-Catholic Storm

Some will say it’s already here, and I wouldn’t argue with them. The first gusts of the anti-Catholic storm have already been resisted, thanks to the courageous vigilance of Bill Donohue at the Catholic League. Now we have The New York Times‘ relentless barrage of reporting and opinion designed to force the type of “reform” … Read more

Helen Thomas’ Final Solution

You’ve seen this, right?  Helen Thomas, a terrifyingly senior member of the White House press corps, recently took the opportunity to explain her take on international politics  . . . to a rabbi, at an event celebrating Jewish Heritage: Kind of harsh, eh?  But it’s cool, it’s cool — she apologized.  According to Fox News: … Read more

The Late, Great Private Sector

The United States is in the midst of a realignment as the private sector gives way to the government as the nation’s primary employer. We’re not there yet, but the direction is clear. Of the 431,000 new jobs the Labor Department just announced, a full 390,000 of them are with the government (primarily, short term … Read more

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