Eric Sammons

Eric Sammons is the editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine.

Books by Eric Sammons

recent articles

Breaking Down Fiducia Supplicans

The Vatican’s approval of blessings for same-sex couples and couples in “irregular situations” reflects a divorce between morality & pastoral practice, liturgy & life, and orthodoxy & orthopraxy.

An Urgent Note

Now more than ever, mankind needs to live in the might of God’s power. We need to put on the Lord’s armor to withstand the deceits of the devil.

The Hyperinflation of the Papacy

The role of the papacy in the minds of too many Catholics has morphed from being the center of Church unity to the source of Church teaching.

The Great Sifting

In the midst of mass apostasy all around us, we can see signs of growth in faithfulness and orthodoxy.

Lessons From the Peace Emperor

Blessed Karl should be a model for those who oppose war today. He was an honorable man, and it was this honorable nature that led him to prioritize peace over lesser interests.

Living in a Messy Church

The “mess” in the Church today is reflected in the total lack of order found in ecclesial appointments and suspensions. The unfaithful are rewarded while the faithful are disciplined.

The Lies of Synodality

Two recent news stories expose the lies that make up “synodality,” that vaunted effort of Church leaders that has been called the “modus vivendi et operandi of the Church.” 

The Revolution Comes for Scott Hahn

For Leftist Catholics, all of the good Scott Hahn has done in the past is considered worthless due to his lack of vocal and complete support for today’s Revolution.

Evening in America

The popular reaction to the Trump mug shot reveals that many conservatives realize it’s not morning in America anymore.

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