Confrontational Catholicism
We’ve reached a time in our culture when Catholics need to be far more confrontational with our enemies.
We’ve reached a time in our culture when Catholics need to be far more confrontational with our enemies.
The Trump-led Conservative Movement won’t save the nation, but it will at least keep the State from coming after practicing Catholics.
Trump’s conviction hopefully serves as a wake-up call. We don’t live in a democratic republic, a shining city on the hill. We live in a banana republic, a decaying country on its last legs.
The Catholic world needs a daily news website offering orthodox commentary on the issues afflicting the Church and political sphere today — but we simply cannot keep this service strong without you.
Perhaps surprisingly, the new DDF norms for evaluating apparitions and other supernatural phenomena are reasonable and helpful.
Harrison Butker is being silenced because our Church leaders have been silent for decades.
A number of Catholics recently called for the resignation or deposition of Pope Francis. I did not join them – why?
Tucker Carlson claims that “spiritual” forces are at work in the world, directly involved in events from the creation of the atom bomb to supposed alien sightings. What are Catholics to make of these claims?
Catholic Answers has released an apologetics AI interactive app and it’s solidly Catholic. But I still have concerns.
Like the ideologue he is, Pope Francis treats his perceived enemies with contempt.
In an effort to be more “welcoming,” many Church leaders are looking to fallen-away Catholics to lead the way.
Why are so many men and women who clearly only have a few years left on this earth so obsessed with exercising power until their final moments?
Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin could be a shot in the arm for the cause of peace.
I think I speak for a lot of Catholics when I say that the whole circus surrounding Pope Francis has become wearisome.
The standoff between Texas and the Federal Government could be a step toward a National Divorce. At least I hope so.
Seeing the good happening in the Church is a necessary part of responding to the bad.
A hope for an empty Hell has massive—and dangerous—implications for how one lives.
The Vatican’s approval of blessings for same-sex couples and couples in “irregular situations” reflects a divorce between morality & pastoral practice, liturgy & life, and orthodoxy & orthopraxy.