Eric Sammons

Eric Sammons is the editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine.

Books by Eric Sammons

recent articles

Remembering Pride’s Victims

While LGBTQ+ activists do considerable damage to our culture, the Pride movement most harms the very people it claims to help.

Jumping the Gun on Sister Wilhelmina?

Should Catholics wait for the Church’s official decision before believing Sister Wilhelmina’s body was kept miraculously incorrupt or that she is a saint?

The Dodgers’ Flip-Flip-Flop

The Los Angeles Dodgers recently demonstrated exactly how to give themselves a PR nightmare while also revealing the power of the Alphabet Mafia.

A special note from the editor of Crisis Magazine

You’re not the only one who laments the widespread complacency in the Church and the corruption in the government. You know that leaders of both Church and State too often gaslight us to think everything is fine, when you know—and we know—it’s not.

Our Incurious Bishops

At a time when religious practice is rapidly declining in this country, any rapidly-growing subset of the Faith is an anomaly that should interest our Catholic bishops.

Naked and Unafraid

This is the time of year we come to readers like you to ask for your spiritual and financial assistance to continue this mission. It’s a team effort; we can’t do it without you. 

Did the New Atheists Win?

The rise of the New Atheists in the early 2000’s led to a steep decline in religious affiliation in America. How will the Church respond?

Diverting the Focus of the Shepherd

The often uneasy relationship between bishops and the Vatican has come to the forefront in recent years, as increasingly unpastoral directives are being issued by Rome.

Jesuits Misbehaving Yet Again

A well-known Jesuit’s public rejection of transubstantiation raises a number of serious concerns about both the state of the Church and the validity of his Masses.

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