Dancing in the Streets

I am happy, deliriously so, and grateful. I am floating in a sea of gratitude and amazement over the Trump victory.


November 11, 2024

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Everyone expected massive demonstrations after the election, no matter who won. It didn’t happen. I suspect no one is disappointed. But I am disappointed that there was no dancing in the streets. Is that considered uncivil for elections? All elections, or just this one? 

When an athletic team wins a national championship, typically fans of that team rather wildly celebrate, often in the streets. I wanted to dance in the streets after Trump won, but I couldn’t find anyone to dance with me. People are so staid these days. So, I bebopped around all day by myself…to the tune of “Dancing in the Streets.”

Oh, I am happy, deliriously so, and grateful. I am floating in a sea of gratitude and amazement. Six months ago, no one would have predicted that the Trump/Vance/Musk/Kennedy/Ramaswamy/Gabbard/Carlson/Rogan/Kelly team would come together and that they would win by a landslide—and change the face of the voting public, one hopes for years to come. I was confident the TVMKRGCRK team was going to win—not because I have any powers of prognostication but because I get my news from 𝕏.  From the reporting there, it was very clear that TVMKRGCRK were going to win and win big—though I think in the end the victory was bigger than anyone predicted (because Trump does everything hugely).

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Among things I am grateful for is that, due to a bit of a stomach ailment, I am without energy to do anything but follow 𝕏 today—which is, I must say, endlessly entertaining. Truly, I take little pleasure in the meltdown of libs—this is particularly hard because they really didn’t expect Kamala to lose. (Ok, I have taken outrageous delight in this one TikTok video.) They are demoralized in the extreme, and I have been praying they can find peace.  

One 𝕏 poster advised that libs take the day off—do yard work, or watch their favorite movies and just chill—and before long they will realize that they are not going to be arrested and sent to internment camps. (A friend of mine told me a school child was fearful he would be sold into slavery were Trump to win.) Eventually, they will rejoice when the borders are secured, wars start ending, grocery bills go down, taxes disappear (!), violent criminals are jailed, sex traffickers are relentlessly pursued and convicted, and big pharma and the food industry are reigned in, etc. 

I hope they will see what a big happy family can look like—Black, Hispanic, Asian, White, LGBTQ+ who supported Trump—particularly how we can all dance in the street together! Maybe some will start getting their news from X and enjoy the wide diversity of views and the exchange of views that results. Truth is allowed to be spoken, and lies are exposed because freedom of speech is permitted! 

Some are saying this is the end of the dominance of mainstream media—if so, that is another huge victory. I have watched more of it in the last few days than for years; and it, too, has been a source of immense entertainment. Their struggle to explain how Kamala could possibly have lost is fascinating, at least momentarily. Some say that Kamala ran the perfect campaign (did they watch any of her interviews????). The charges of racism and misogyny are predictable and boring, but then someone like Juan Williams makes a most astonishing, insulting remark: he speculates that black men voted for Trump because “Trump disparages women and they want to get in on that!” 

The most succinct explanation regarding Kamala’s loss is that by Scott Jennings on a CNN panel:  

I’m interpreting the results tonight as the revenge of just the regular ole working class American, the anonymous American, who has been crushed, insulted, condescended to—they’re not garbage, they’re not Nazis, they’re just regular people who get up and go to work every day and are trying to make a better life for their kids and they feel like they have been told to just shut up, when they’ve complained about the things that are hurting them in their own lives...We were just ignoring the fundamentals...Inflation, people feeling like they were barely able to tread water, at best, that was the fundamentals of the election.  

The MSM is catching on that there is an 18 million disparity in votes for the Democratic ticket from 2020 to 2024. Trump supporters reasonably claim that this is another indication that the 2020 vote may have been stolen—that those were manufactured votes. Dems, now, are saying that the Trump campaign must have somehow suppressed millions of Harris votes. They are calling for investigations of voter fraud and speaking of not certifying the electoral vote!

I am not certain I want the Dems to figure out the real reasons for the loss—Jennings is right, they have no idea what is really going on with Americans; and, of course, they are bereft of worthy principles. Until they improve, I hope they will continue to lose. If they figure it out though, they may, in fact, eventually offer us a palatable candidate. It seems that would be a good thing—it would be nice to have a real choice. Better principles would, at least, lead them to telling the truth.

There is no getting around it: just as Donald Trump dodged a bullet, so did the American people. His survival is a miracle, and so is that of our nation. The erosion of fundamental rights under Obama/Biden/Harris has been shocking, and it was going to get worse fast.  There is no getting around it: just as Donald Trump dodged a bullet, so did the American people.Tweet This

Would Dems have been upset to see their speech suppressed? Their kind, pro-life neighbors hauled off to jail? More towns taken over by illegal immigrants? More billions sent overseas (and then recycled back to politicians and their families)? More people dying from untested vaccines? You might say we know the answer, since those things have been happening for a long time and the Dems are not protesting (or, in fact, are behind all of that). I hope it is largely that the everyday American Democrat simply doesn’t know the truth about these matters…you know—MSM.

Blessedly, a lot of very intelligent, committed, hardworking people—led by perhaps the politician with the most stamina of any 78-year-old ever—came up with a tremendous plan to register voters, get them out to vote, and fight election fraud. (Trump worked nonstop for months; did many long rallies daily; had a grueling travel schedule; was interviewed for hours on end, and so on.) I don’t think we can thank the Republican party per se; it is the part of the Republican party taken over by supporters of Trump that have made the difference. I felt like I was voting for a third-party candidate when I voted for Trump.

At one point, Tucker asked Trump why he was running. He could have a very pleasant life—he has been president—he doesn’t “need” the recognition. Trump said he didn’t really know, after a while one gets tired of being at the beach and jumping waves. Then he said, “It’s the love. There is just so much love out there.” Those hundreds of thousands of people who supported the over 900 Trump rallies loved him and felt loved. And he clearly loves America. He made us laugh with his trolling at McDonald’s and driving a garbage truck. He simply won us over.

We can and must thank God. There is no doubt that the Holy Spirit has been guiding much that has happened (among them, obviously, Trump surviving two assassination attempts). The presence of the Holy Spirit can’t be hidden—“Christ is King” is being shouted at rallies; the “Ave Maria” is being sung; groups are publicly praying over Trump; Trump has been posting paintings of Mary and the St. Michael prayer; and he received the brown scapular. Not so long ago, God was booed at the Democratic convention. Kamala hurt her cause a great deal by saying that Christ was not welcome at her rally.  

One of my Eeyore friends has been telling me “We are not there yet”: that Trump and team have an enormous job in front of them. I told her that even if Trump is not able to accomplish much of what he has promised, I am willing to pray a form of the Passover “it would have been enough” prayer: for example, even if Trump is not able to clean up the deep state, it is enough that he defeated Kamala and at least slowed if not stopped the tyranny of the Left. (No, I am not comparing Trump to God!) 

We need to say fervent and sincere prayers of thanksgiving to God for giving our so wonderful but so corrupt country another chance. Many have been praying unceasingly, and they/we need to continue. The road ahead is long and steep, but there is a road. We have a marvelously capable team leading us, and we have reason to trust that God is with us—and to dance in the streets.


  • Janet E. Smith, Ph.D., is a retired professor of moral theology.

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6 thoughts on “Dancing in the Streets”

  1. Dear Dr. Smith, what a wonderful piece! Trust me, you weren’t dancing alone! There were millions of us dancing “virtually” from sea to shining sea!

  2. The reason we are not “dancing in the streets” its not because “people are so staid these days.” I, in fact, would love to celebrate– and all my friends are as thrilled as I am about the Trump victory!–but because I live in a deep-blue state, it would be imprudent to express my glee. Where I live, one barely is willing to say who one voted for. The anger on the Left is palpable and was so, even before Trump’s victory. MAGA people are scorned as racists, misogynists, and anti-science yokels, as a result of the left-wing media hysteria against us, so who wants to dive into the midst of that ugliness?

    So we have had to hide our joy.

  3. Thank you, Dr. Smith. I share your joy and appreciate your observations. I agree we have been given another chance by Divine Providence and now the real work is just beginning. For many of us that means daily prayer for protection and guidance for those who will be directly engaged in the fight.

    Please keep up your engaging and valuable work.

  4. As an old friend of mine once said to me, “if you don’t celebrate life’s high moments, when are you going to celebrate?”

    The consummate evil of the Great Transhumanists was/is ravaging America. Trump’s win is akin to putting turbo cancer in a state of remission. It is up to each one of us to make sure it remains in a state of remission both spiritually and legally.

    Sister Lucia warned, “there will come a time when the decisive confrontation between the Kingdom of God and Satan will take place over marriage and the family.”

    1973 (Roe v Wade) redefined human life and its worth
    2015 ( Obergefel) redefined marriage and child rearing
    2020 (Bostock) redefined gender identity
    *All have trampled on religious freedom and individual conscience rights.

    Bear in mind, both Democrats and Republicans have situated the “peculiar institutions of abortion, same sex marriage, and gender identity” within the Overton Window of Public popularity.

    Only the fullness of Catholic theology, morality, and liturgy can help us to rightfully order our intellects, emotions, and will’s, here and in the hereafter, as we celebrate the temporary remission of our turbo cancer.

  5. Dear Jane,
    Most of us in the red counties went to work the next morning, got the kids ready for school, harvested crops, canned vegetables and fruits, some went deer hunting, tended the barnyard animals, went on with life with a simple satisfaction that there is a great potential to be accomplished that may be reduced to practice as soon as we put our backs into that effort. Besides if we did go dancing on our rural blacktops, who would know.

    Now the Republicans in the blue counties would have different options, but the metropolitan or suburbans is largely outside my personal experience. I suspect given the irrationality of the emotional Harris supporters the prudent option for many was to simply enjoy the moment and get on with their lives.

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