A Good Gay Myth is a Terrible Thing to Waste


March 9, 2018

The gay establishment has a vested interest in keeping certain fires brightly burning, chiefly to keep their wallets fat and getting fatter, and to keep their issues on the boil.

To this day, gay elites dine out on the grisly murder of Matthew Shepard who they falsely claim was murdered by strangers because he was gay. In fact, according to voluminous research by award-winning gay journalist Stephen Jimenez—who spent months on the ground in Laramie, Wyoming—Shepard was murdered by a fellow drug dealer who was also his occasional gay sex partner. The dispute that led to his torture and murder was a drug deal gone bad. Gay power-brokers refuse to accept this because Shepard’s murder was so useful to their movement and their pocketbooks. His death became an immediate and long-lasting cause célèbre.

In much the same way, the mass murder at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub has come to occupy the same emotional, political, and financial space. Recall that Muslim Omar Mateen invaded the gay-themed nightclub in Orlando, Florida and killed 49 mostly gay men. Ask practically anyone and they will tell you the killer was motivated by “homophobia.” They will tell you further that he was not only Muslim but also a closeted gay. His hatred was a two-fer: Muslim gay-hater, and self-hating closeted gay. Well, a three-fer because that night at Pulse was Latino night.

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It was said he had visited the Pulse as a patron, that he was a regular on gay sex/dating apps, that his wife suspected he was gay because he primped in front of the bathroom mirror. There was also his faith, since Islam is said to hate and want to kill gays.

Mateen died on the spot, but his wife is now in the dock for complicity in the murders. Even though the FBI reported in the summer of 2016 there was no evidence Mateen was motivated by gay animus, it is evidence produced in his wife’s impending trial that has shown conclusively he was not motivated to kill gays. In fact, he didn’t even know Pulse was a gay spot.

A lengthy and explosive story in The Intercept by investigative reporter Glenn Greenwald shows that Mateen “went to Pulse only after having scouted other venues that night that were wholly unrelated to the LGBT community, only to find that they too were defended by armed guards and police, and ultimately chose Pulse after a generic Google search for ‘Orlando nightclubs’—not ‘gay clubs’—produced Pulse as the first search result.”

Greenwald writes, “…numerous myths continue to persist about Mateen’s action, particularly regarding his motives in why he attacked Pulse.” That he was motivated by gay hatred “has been treated as unquestionably true in countless media accounts, statements from public officials, and ultimately in the public mind.” Greenwald says all the evidence, including Mateen’s own statements before and even during his attack, point to his outrage at U.S. military action against Muslim populations in the Middle East.

Evidence hitherto under seal shows he scouted other venues that night including Disney Springs where he went at 10 pm. An hour later, Mateen googled “Disney World,” and then went to stalk a non-gay nightclub called EVE. It was only at 1:00 a.m. when he did a search for “downtown Orlando nightclubs” did he come to know about Pulse. He actually drove back and forth between Pulse and EVE before settling on Pulse.

But, Mateen’s actual motivation was known simply by looking at his Facebook page prior to the attacks, and even more remarkably his running commentary on the phone with law enforcement while he murdered Pulse patrons. It was all about U.S. military aggression in the Middle East. As Greenwald reports, “…at no point during the hours of his attack on Pulse did Mateen even mention, let alone rail against, LGBTs. Even as he massacred 49 people inside a gay club, surrounded by gay people, there were no reports from survivors that he uttered a single anti-gay epithet or homophobic remark, or in any way referenced LGBTs.”

And yet, just as in the Matthew Shepard case, this was the immediate charge by the gay elite and their friends in politics and the media. President Obama said, “The shooter targeted a nightclub where people came together to be with friends, to dance and to sing, and to live.” Chad Griffin, head of the anti-Christian Human Rights Campaign, that has also been designated a hate group by the American Family Association, said, “…the maniac who did this was somehow conditioned to believe that LGBT people deserve to be massacred, that they are ‘less than’ in this society.” Hillary Clinton visited Orlando and said the attack was “an attack of hate” and that “the gunman attacked an LGBT nightclub during Pride Month.” Attorney General Loretta Lynch said it was “a cruel irony that a community defined almost exclusively by whom they love [LGBTs] is so often a target of hate.”

The mythical narrative continues to this day. Just a month ago The Guardian reported that “self-loathing can turn deadly. Omar Mateen who committed America’s most deadly homophobic attack at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida in 2016, pledged his allegiance to ISIS but was also alleged to have made sexual advances towards men. His ex-wife said she believed he was gay.” The Advocate, a gay publication, said just recently that “searches of Mateen’s personal computer also indicate he had visited the website for Pulse, and witnesses say he visited the club on numerous occasions.”

Search the website of the Human Rights Campaign and you will find dozens of press releases and blog posts about the attacks on Pulse. Even the prosecution of Mateen’s wife is poisoned by the gay narrative. Greenwald says the evidence against her is incredibly thin and is likely motivated by the ginned-up outrage from gay elites that someone has to be punished. There are even gay pickets outside the courtroom calling for the government to “fry her till she has no pulse.”

But, gay elites have a vested interest in keeping alive the myth that gay men are in danger of homophobic violence in our society. It is how they keep raising buckets of money. The Human Rights Campaign raises $50 million a year. The Southern Poverty Law Center, designated an anti-Christian hate group by the American Family Association, has more than $300 million in the bank. Their hate list, which includes mainstream Christian groups, is designed to foment gay panic.

Right now, the Human Rights Campaign is running an ongoing feature noting the violent deaths of the gender-confused. Last year they published a lengthy report on such violent deaths. I will be writing much more about this in the coming weeks, but one thing that is not immediately clear in these reports is whether these people were killed because they were gender-confused, victims of so-called “transphobia” or whether they were murdered for other completely unrelated reasons. Were they murdered by someone who hates them for being “transgender” or were they murdered in a drug deal, or domestic violence?

I have not read any of their reports that demonstrate these poor souls were killed because they were transsexual or transgender. Yet, Human Rights Campaign is not willing to let mere run-of-the-mill murders go politically and financially unused. The clear implication in their reports is there’s an epidemic of violence against the gender-confused. But, this also seems to be a lie, like the murder of Matthew Shepard and the mass murder at the Pulse nightclub.

(Photo credit: Walter via FLICKR Creative Commons)


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