Southern Poverty Law Center

Why Is the SPLC Persecuting Traditional Catholics?

Few activist groups have been more powerful or influential than the Southern Poverty Law Center. Established in 1971, the SPLC was founded with the noble desire—at least on the surface—to combat the violence being perpetrated by groups that were resisting the federally mandated forced integration of blacks and whites in the American South. As many … Read more

Southern Poverty Law Center Is Punished for the Wrong Crimes

A writer named Bob Moser is incensed at what became of the Southern Poverty Law Center where he worked for a few years in the early aughts. The recent revelations of sexual harassment and racism unfolding at the Poverty Palace built by SPLC founder Morris Dees down in Montgomery, Alabama, caused Moser to pen a … Read more

A Good Gay Myth is a Terrible Thing to Waste

The gay establishment has a vested interest in keeping certain fires brightly burning, chiefly to keep their wallets fat and getting fatter, and to keep their issues on the boil. To this day, gay elites dine out on the grisly murder of Matthew Shepard who they falsely claim was murdered by strangers because he was … Read more

Guidestar Joins the Targeting of Christian Groups

You may never have heard of the website Guidestar. It is an invaluable tool for those seeking information on nonprofits, everything from the Ford Foundation to your local pro-life group, provided they have nonprofit status with the federal government. All nonprofits are listed at Guidestar. Potential donors can peruse the tax returns of these nonprofits … Read more

The New Black List

Not long ago I lectured to a class of seniors at Catholic University of America on the topic of the UN and the development of international law and human rights. Among the new efforts to develop human rights, I discussed “sexual orientation and gender identity” (SOGI), the hottest of topics anywhere. During the discussion, as … Read more

Anti-Christian Bullies Target Jewish Group Helping Gay Men

Imagine you are an 18-year-old boy who has been initiated into the world of gay sex. Starry-eyed, you were expecting candlelight and roses. Instead, your 35-year-old muscle-head mentor passes you around to his friends and to strangers. Imagine you are an older gay man who did find romance but also found it empty and your … Read more

Who is the Hate Group?

Some leftwing activists say I run a hate group. They imply we are no better than the KKK or skin-head groups that want to blow up buildings and kill minorities. They want all Americans to be frightened of us. We should be kept off television and radio and stigmatized in all that we do and … Read more

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