Will Trump Save Us From Big Food?

Big Food is joined at the hip with Big Pharma. They have set up a system where one makes us sick, and the other makes us medicated patients for life. 


November 1, 2024

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One of the great gifts of the Trump Era is that we have come to know the institutions we grew up trusting are corrupt. FBI, corrupt. CIA, corrupt. Judiciary, corrupt. Not that we grew up knowing the NIH or the CDC, but we know now they are corrupt, too. 

We knew the media and the academy were corrupt, but we have come to realize they may be irremediably corrupt. I did not know that medicine was corrupt. I had a sneaking suspicion that Big Science was corrupt, but now we know for certain. 

I certainly did not know there was such a thing as Big Food and that Big Food is corrupt and evil. Also, Big Food is joined at the hip with Big Pharma. They have set up a system where one makes us sick, and the other makes us medicated patients for life. 

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I am angry at what I have come to know through the work of Casey Means and Calley Means. Brother and sister, she is a Stanford-educated surgeon, though practicing that no longer. He was a Harvard MBA working at the top of major food companies. After what he saw, he walked  away, too. 

Did you know that we ingest a credit-card-sized amount of plastic every single week? Did you know that fifty percent of American children have some chronic health issue and that 50 years ago this was a mere one percent? Did you know that seventy-four percent of American adults now are overweight or obese and that close to fifty percent of children are overweight or obese? All of this is tied to our diet. 

Casey Means says, 

Half the country has prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, and thirty percent of teens now have prediabetes. This was a condition that no pediatrician would have seen in their lifetime 50 years ago. One percent of Americans in 1950 had type 2 diabetes. We have eighteen percent of teens with fatty liver disease, a disease that used to be in late-stage alcoholics.

She says, 

Cancer rates are skyrocketing in the young and the elderly. Young adult cancers are up seventy-nine percent. And this is the first year in American history we’re estimated to have over 2 million cases of cancer. 25% of American women are on antidepressant medication. Forty percent of 18-year-olds have a mental health diagnosis. We have the highest infant and maternal mortality rate in the entire developed world, despite spending 2X on infant and maternal care than any other country.

Calley Means explains that the dire state of our health started when Big Tobacco got into massive trouble over secondhand smoke in the ’80s, and they used their enormous cash reserves to buy food companies. Tobacco giants R.J. Reynolds and Philip Morris became the largest food companies in the world. And their scientists immediately went to work in making food as addictive as smoking. Food in boxes and bags are now loaded up with sugar and chemicals to increase shelf life. What’s more, along came “ultra-processed food” and seed oils, all poisonous to our bodies. We came to crave these things that harm our bodies. 

The next thing Big Tobacco/Food did was capture the federal agencies that were supposed to protect us from such Frankenfoods. Big Tobacco/Food became the largest lobbying operation in Washington, D.C., bigger and more powerful than oil.  The next thing Big Tobacco/Food did was capture the federal agencies that were supposed to protect us from such Frankenfoods. Big Tobacco/Food became the largest lobbying operation in Washington, D.C., bigger and more powerful than oil. Tweet This

Calley Means says, “They shifted their playbook on lobbying and rigging institutions of trust to food.” So, what they did was create the “food pyramid” that says, for instance, carbs are good. We went along, not knowing it was not only wrong but dangerous. And then these same companies became a massive funding source for academic research papers used by federal agencies that say all of this was perfectly fine.

And once we eat their poisonous food and our bodies get all kinds of sickness, we go to our doctor who is trained to see you for a few minutes, refer you to a specialist or two or three or four, and write out Big Pharma prescriptions that you may be on for life. Big Food, Big Pharma, huge profits. 

Casey Means says the answer to most of our chronic diseases is nutrition, but eighty percent of medical schools do not have a single class on nutrition. Your doctor will not mention nutrition. He will refer you to specialists and give you meds. Casey says there is nothing more profitable than a chronically sick kid. After they make them fat, Big Food/Pharma wants to put kids on Ozempic for life. 

Do you see the cycle here?

Bobby Kennedy has seen this. And now we have Casey and Calley Means. I don’t know about you, but I am angry. 

Is there an answer? For us personally, there are organic foods that are not drenched in chemicals. Eat nothing from boxes and bags. Get your meat from a local farm that you know. Stop using canola oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, all products of manufacturing processes. Use lard, ghee, olive oil. 

For our country, there is the sundering of the unholy connection between Big Food and federal institutions that are supposed to protect us. One proposal by Kennedy and the Means siblings is that no food researcher may receive money from Big Food. Big Food spends hundreds of millions to fund research that federal agencies then use to say all is fine with their boxes and bags of chemicals. Candy companies fund the diabetes associations and medical schools. 

There is much more, and I highly recommend watching the Means siblings’ two-hour podcast with Tucker Carlson and the three-hour podcast with Joe Rogan. Buy their eye-opening book “Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health.” Our health is in proper metabolism. 

Trump may get this. And in a Nixon to China move, this junk food aficionado may do something about it. He is close to Kennedy, and the Means siblings are in his orbit. Will Trump save us from the nexus of Big Food and Big Pharma? We shall see. Like us, he has come to distrust other major institutions, so maybe this one, too. 

[Photo Credit: Getty Images]


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2 thoughts on “Will Trump Save Us From Big Food?”

  1. This country is unhealthy, morally, physically and is getting worse every minute. We must have people like RFK, jr working along side with President Trump getting this country healthy again. Big Pharma, big foods, big government, the main stream media, and the military industrial complex all go hand in hand. We must put an end to this, and only a Trump administration can do this. This is our last chance, for the future and the very existence of our country depends on Trump winning this election. We are being fed lies all the time by the media. We worship God only, not the government or these agencies of gloom and doom. The best thing you can do is vote for Trump and all God fearing candidates who love this country. Also, just as important, pray like you never prayed before; that God’s justice will prevail and we will have a future in this country and that Trump and all these God fearing candidates will win.

  2. Thank you, Austin Ruse, for your article!!! Everywhere I look, including at myself, so many people (even children) have health problems! Your article makes so much sense! So I went to Barnes and Noble and purchased Good Energy!!!
    Again, thank you!

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