What Should We Think About the Pavone Affair?
How should faithful Catholics respond to the Pavone Affair, and second, what should Frank Pavone himself do or not do?
How should faithful Catholics respond to the Pavone Affair, and second, what should Frank Pavone himself do or not do?
Your case has provoked much commentary from many points of view. I can only say I sympathize with you.
It was recently announced that the Vatican dismissed Frank Pavone, the founder of Priests for Life and long-time pro-life leader, from the priesthood. How should Catholics respond to this news?
While Pavone’s laicization understandably raises many emotions among pro-life Catholics, it’s not as simple as “ Vatican bad, canceled priest good.”
Boy does this video bring back memories… Bermuda. 2001. A Crisis Magazine cruise hosted by Deal Hudson and staff, with yours truly playing the role of Julie (Love Boat, anyone?) The Crisis Cruise (possibly the most unsaleable name in maritime vacation history) always attracted a lovely group of people, and the speakers that year included … Read more