Worship for God…or for Us?
The primary focus of Catholic worship, unlike Protestant worship, is to be directed toward God, not the people.
The primary focus of Catholic worship, unlike Protestant worship, is to be directed toward God, not the people.
Christianity did not entirely disavow the ancient idea of memory, but instead baptized it, most perfectly in the re-presentation of the sacrifice of Calvary.
The idea that it is wrong to pray the St. Michael Prayer after Mass is only something that could be believed by a rubricist out of touch with reality.
The word “Eucharist” itself literally means “thanksgiving.” So why does thanksgiving seem ever more removed from our celebration of the Eucharist?
It is very important that we return as soon as possible to a common orientation, of priests and the faithful turned together in the same direction—eastward or at least towards the apse—to the Lord who comes. ∼ Robert Cardinal Sarah, Prefect, Congregation for the Divine Worship, London, July 5, 2016. Symbols mean something. A nephew of … Read more
I want people to go out! I want the Church to go out to the street! ~ Pope Francis What is the most important moment in the Mass? The Anaphora and the Institution Narrative? Yes, of course, from a liturgical and sacramental perspective. If you had to choose just one, what could be more important … Read more
According to the new English edition of the Roman Missal, the priest, in the introductory rite, addresses the congregation as follows: “Brethren (Brothers and sisters), let us acknowledge our sins, and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.” The term, “sacred mysteries” in reference to the Mass is of ancient origin as is the … Read more
Have you ever gone to Mass and wanted to be somewhere else? Have you ever gone and loved every second of it? I have. And on both occasions I sat in two entirely different locations. When I was an undergraduate, I rarely attended Mass. I was spiritually adrift and couldn’t bear the thought of listening to … Read more