Pope Francis

Papal Appointments and the Eclipse of the Church

Recent papal appointments have revealed a clear agenda at the Vatican, and it’s one that threatens to upend the Church. Eric Sammons & Timothy Flanders discuss what these appointments mean and how Catholics should respond.

Pope Francis’ View of Truth

There is a legitimate doctrinal pluralism, but how can the Church distinguish legitimate from illegitimate ways of expressing the faith without distinguishing truth and falsity?

Personnel is Policy

The Vatican has been the source of countless scandals during the Francis pontificate, and it’s ridiculous to try to act as if they do not point back to the man in charge.

Pope Francis and the Covid Vaccine

The Covid vaccine was forced upon us based on false data and propagandistic lies. Sadly, one of the people who pushed it was Pope Francis.

The Challenge of Charity

As a young man, I was consumed by anger at the state of the world and hated those I thought responsible. Save me, Lord, from falling into that trap today regarding the Church.

Put an End to the Madness!

Pope Francis has to stop the madness, and until he steps in to do so the Church will continue to fracture and unravel, spiraling completely out of control.

A Berlin Wall—Again

It must seem to the decent Catholics attached to the Traditional Mass that a kind of Berlin Wall is closing in upon them.

A Plea From an American Periphery

Pope Francis wants Catholics to go to the “peripheries,” but have the pope and other Church leaders ignored the American peripheries?

Loosing and Binding

Penitents do not have an absolute right to absolution: they must meet what the sacrament itself requires for the forgiveness of sins.


A Unified Theory of “Backwardism”

What was so awful about the pre-Vatican II Church that its memory needs to be obliterated and those who hold to doctrines that are ancient in provenance must be labeled as “rigid” and psychologically damaged?

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