Austin Ruse

Austin Ruse is a contributing editor to Crisis Magazine. He is president of the Center for Family and Human Rights in New York and Washington DC. He is the author of several books including, Under Siege: No Finer Time to be a Faithful Catholic (Crisis Publications). He can be reached at

Books by Austin Ruse

recent articles

Bill Kristol Was the Standard

Bill Kristol has never explained his abrupt 180-degree change of views on key issues like abortion and same-sex marriage. Maybe he never cared in the first place. Maybe he lied to us all along.

Can a Sexual Revolutionary Save the West?

A new book does a marvelous job explaining the cultural attack on the West in recent years, but it has a massive blind spot: a refusal to recognize the need for a traditional sexual constitution.

Mass Shootings Are Not What You Think They Are

The acts of that evil lunatic in Uvalde are being used to advance certain false narratives. So it requires us to understand what school shootings really are. Indeed, we need to understand what mass shootings really are.

Leftists Leaving the Left

A fresh raft of intellectual refugees are turning from the Left because the corrupted Left they knew has left them.

A Great Cloud of Pro-Life Witnesses

As we wait to see the disposition of this evil regime on what may be the last March for Life, we must consider the men and women who brought us to this moment, the pantheon of pro-life heroes.

Reactionary Mind

Warning: This Book is Dangerous

I pushed Michael Warren Davis’ new book, The Reactionary Mind (Regnery Publishing), on a friend of mine, a noted Catholic and academic leader. I told him a good part of the book was a defense of feudalism. I thought he’d like that. Instead, he said, “Well, recent scholarship shows that feudalism did not exist. So, … Read more


Trump is Owed a Second Term

A friend of mine says, “Of course, the NeverTrumpers were right after all. Trump had so alienated suburban women by his personal behavior, he couldn’t possibly have won a second term.” This person was Trump-resistant but voted for him nonetheless and was pleasantly surprised at all he accomplished. In the end, however, after he lost, … Read more

Merrick Garland

When the FBI Protects Moral Monsters

The members of the Fairfax County and Loudoun County School Boards here in Northern Virginia are little more than pipsqueaks and perverts (there is one good member of the Loudoun County School Board. There are none at Fairfax).   They are power-hungry, low-level bureaucratic hacks who don’t give two hoots for the children under their care … Read more

The Chosen

This Time the Crucifixion Will Be Personal

I dread the final season of The Chosen because that is when they will kill my dear friend Jesus. This may sound heretical, but I have never felt exactly this way about Him before. There has always been a kind of veil between Him and me, a fog that even His light cannot fully pierce. He is … Read more

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