
Pro-lifers on Trial and the Denial of Reality

For the first time ever pro-lifers were accused of employing prayers and hymns as weapons against women seeking abortions. Apparently one need not shoot an abortionist or torch a clinic to be justly accused of violence.

Performative Catholicism

Once society allows individuals to claim an identity grounded exclusively in emotion or desire, anyone can claim to be a practicing Catholic no matter their beliefs or actions.

FACEing Injustice

Nine pro-lifers are each facing up to 11 years in prison under the FACE Act, and a fellow pro-lifer has turned and is providing testimony against them.

Pro-Lifers Must Tell Their Stories

Since Dobbs, liberal corporate legacy media is running as many stories as possible on the indignities suffered by women across the United States who have had difficulty procuring an abortion. Pro-lifers need to respond.

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