Synod on Synodality

Male and Female He Made Them

It is no surprise that the call to ordain (or to pretend to ordain) women as priests comes mainly from people who wish to marry (or to pretend to marry) a man with a man or a woman with a woman.

Should the Laity Ignore the Synod on Synodality?

Given that the advice offered to the pope during the synodal proceedings will likely contain at least some errors and ambiguities, most lay Catholics are probably better served by simply ignoring the Synod proceedings.

Whither the Synod?

The Synod organizers themselves don’t really know where any of this is going, but we’re all supposed to be on the way anyway.   

Troubled Thoughts About the Synod

The Instrumentum Laboris is not as bad as some argue, but it is worrisome because of the impression it gives of structuring a supposed listening session in order to achieve previously conceived results.

Be Angry

Recent papal appointments have made me angry, and they should make you angry too.

Cardinal Pell’s Toxic Nightmare

Before his death, Cardinal Pell recognized the fatal flaw in the Synod on Synodality’s inclusion paradigm: it will result in a jettisoning of every doctrine and tradition.

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