Traditional Latin Mass

Did Online Trads Cause the TLM Crackdown?

Ever since Pope Francis began to restrict the TLM, many have pointed to prominent traditionalists online as the reason. Is this true? If so, what does that say about the pope?

The Pope as the Custodian of Tradition

A complete prohibition preventing diocesan priests from celebrating the TLM would be inimical to the role of the Church as a careful custodian of the living form of tradition.

Beauty Beyond the Power of the World

It is perplexing that some people in positions of power in the Church are seeking once again to abandon beauty and tradition for the brutality and ugliness of the spirit of the age.

Who Are the Guardians of Tradition?

The third and final episode in the “Mass of the Ages” documentary trilogy traces the renewed interest in—and renewed attacks against—the traditional Latin Mass.

Rome, We Have a Problem

The traditional Latin Mass held at the U.S. Capitol last week was a Jericho-Walls-crumbling moment.

Choosing Between New and Old

The Latin Mass is an adventure. That’s not what makes it sacred, but it does make it compelling. It’s a secret language waiting to be unlocked.

The Good, the Bad, and the Effeminate

Pushing the TLM out of parishes and into gyms is symbolic of what those in charge in the Church wish to do with the Catholic Faith and its adherents—push it out to the margins.

Priestly Ignorance of the New Mass

If priests are not aware of the origins of the new Mass, how can we expect fruitful dialog about the fact that some people prefer the preconciliar Mass to the modern one?

The Challenge of Charity

As a young man, I was consumed by anger at the state of the world and hated those I thought responsible. Save me, Lord, from falling into that trap today regarding the Church.

A Berlin Wall—Again

It must seem to the decent Catholics attached to the Traditional Mass that a kind of Berlin Wall is closing in upon them.

A Case for Liturgical Crossover

This future in which traditional Catholics in their TLM-celebrating churches are separated from the rest of the faithful in diocesan parishes would be immensely harmful for all.

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