
Hell’s Fury for Harrison Butker

If you’re sick of the bullying thugs of cancel culture, then stand with Harrison Butker. Now they’re coming for Butker. Next, they’ll come for you.

Is Christ a Magician?

Why is Our Savior so frightful about those seeking “signs and wonders”’? For these are the demands of those men who seek the compensations of this world rather than the rewards of the next.

Flower of Scotland

In our quest for the truly unsung heroes of Scotland, we must look beyond those flowers which are in full, admirable bloom to those fading flowers which have been neglected.

The Whisky Priest and Jairus’ Daughters

Like Graham Greene’s fugitive priest stumbling from place to place through the night to calm the frightened in the faith-starved homes of Tabasco, Bishop Strickland now moves on the peripheries.

The Quest for the True Cross

The reality of the True Cross, found by St. Helena, testifies to the historical facts behind the Gospel, and thereby behind our salvation.

The #1 Vocation Killer

The reason we still have a vocations crisis isn’t poor catechesis or smaller families. It’s something more insidious.

O Happy Fault, O Happy Departure

The Ascension is sometimes just an Easter afterthought. But the full extent of our salvation isn’t revealed until this feast, when the Paschal Mystery is complete.

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