
Who Are “The Poor” Anyway?

Well-meaning Christians can sometimes struggle with exercising the prudence required of being a steward of wealth in making concrete determinations of where and to whom to give.

Hope for Catholic Ireland

Irish Catholicism was never what Americans thought it was. Understanding what it was will explain why it is what it is today and why there is hope for its future.

The Anti-Ecumenism of Pope Francis

Fiducia Supplicans causes the Coptic Orthodox to suspend their ecumenical dialogue with Rome, citing the declaration’s change to the Catholic Church’s position on homosexuality.

A Lenten Grail Quest

Ecclesiastical and political conditions make this Lenten season even more penitential, with no promise that anything shall be solved anytime soon.

A Catechism to Save Biden’s Soul

For any who may need a catechism refresher, Biden’s statements on the House floor would qualify as grave external violations of the First and Fifth Commandments. They contain irreverence, scandal, and moral cooperation in murder.

Worshipping Gaia

As much as Francis of Assisi loved nature, he understood that our first responsibility is to God and not to nature. It’s not clear if his namesake pope feels the same.

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