
A Prophet Among Bishops

As U.S. bishops gathered at their annual meeting, Bishop Strickland stood outside and decided to pick a fight; he confronted the expanding Babylon.

Who Will Safeguard the Sheep?

The open lesion that can’t heal is the realization that our shepherds despise or entirely disregard us. Will any of them break out of lockstep in Baltimore this week?

Toying with the Holydays

The latest installment of episcopal follies just exploded over this year’s status of Immaculate Conception. Is it a Holy Day of Obligation or not? It depends.

The Unserious “House of Luce”

I expect heresy and moral scandal to blight the Church from time to time. What distresses me more is the utter lack of seriousness, the lack of appreciation for the awesome responsibility which Church leaders bear.

A Jacobin “Synodality”

Don’t be fooled. Just because hot-button issues are not on the Synod’s agenda, it doesn’t mean that the revolution is not in full swing.

The Legacy of Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II is the most dominant figure of the post-Vatican II Catholic Church, shaping the Church in ways positive and negative. What is the overall legacy of this celebrated pope?

Solipsism and the Synod

The Synod on Synodality largely consists of men and women unable to look beyond their own noses but able to look down their noses at everyone else.

The Lessons of Louvain

Pope Francis was invited by the University of Louvain to celebrate its 600th anniversary, and a gaggle of feminist idealogues swarm all over him to demand an immediate “paradigm change” on all issues relating to women.

Love for St. Peter and His Successor

My love for Peter endures because he is like me, fragile flesh and blood, but also unlike me, in that he became holy, despite his sin. I must love the successor of Peter, even when that successor causes me to suffer.

Homeschoolers vs. Goliath

It is apparent that there is real division in the Church; banning the homeschoolers from church property has revealed that division far more than allowing them to use the space ever could have.

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