
Did Newman Say We Could Disobey the Pope?

St. John Henry Newman lived at a time when a Catholic’s obligation of obedience to the pope was hotly debated. What he wrote can be challenging today both for those who advocate for total obedience and for those who “recognize and resist” Pope Francis.

Courage: The Sage the Church Needs

Star ESPN sportscaster Sage Steele picked an unwinnable fight against a leviathan—and won. But she died, too. Her way is one the Church must follow.

Let’s Call Out Dirty Old Men Again

One cannot speak against the acts that used to be called deviant and perverse because those very acts are being mainstreamed and normalized by all the powers that be.

Send in the Clowns

Maintaining a sense of humor in light of the depraved and cruel actions of some prelates is a healthy and necessary response for Catholics.

The Clergy Scandals Continue…

The Church is awash in clergy scandals, from the troubling writings of a head of a major Vatican dicastery to the depraved activities of well-known priests. What is a Catholic to do in the face of such corruption?

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