Israel-Palestine War

Occupying Gaza Would be Catastrophic and Immoral

President Trump suggested that the United States could “take over” the Gaza Strip, and that all current inhabitants would be forced to leave. What should a Catholic think about the morality of such a plan?

The Heart of Palestine

Having lived for years in Israel, if you ask me whose side am I on—Israelis or Palestinians—the answer is both.

The Revival of Holy War

Should Catholics look to Old Testament accounts of Joshua wiping out Israel’s enemies as justification for modern Israel’s actions?

Ceasefire Now: Trump and the Gaza Generation

For Trump, the world isn’t a war of all against all where America competes thoughtlessly against adversaries over resources. His program is to create a unipolar, stable world stage where vulnerable people have reason to trust our leadership.

Melkites Caught in the Middle

The regional and religious ties that Melkite Catholics have to the Middle East make the Israeli-Palestinian war even more difficult to process than it already is.

The Guilty Pleasures of Violence

Are we letting our video-game mentality toward violence, rather than a Catholic view, affect how we want to respond to real-world violence?

War in the Holy Land

The recent attack on Israel by Hamas has led many prominent voices in government and media to call for a substantial response, including an escalation of the conflict to include America and Iran. How should Catholics judge this conflict and America’s role in it?

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