Pope Benedict XVI

Pornocracy II: Electric Boogaloo

Pope Francis appears intent in his attempt to divide the loyalties of the Faithful between himself and Pope Benedict XVI, as Stephen VI did with his post-mortem trial of Pope Formosus.

The Challenge of Charity

As a young man, I was consumed by anger at the state of the world and hated those I thought responsible. Save me, Lord, from falling into that trap today regarding the Church.

A Wise Man Ends His Pilgrimage

Life and death are inseparable partners in the course of human salvation, and so it is fitting that we end the season celebrating the birth of Christ with the death of a holy man.

Pope Benedict XVI and the Ghouls

To me it seems clear that the Church’s problem will be solved as Lefties age out. This doesn’t mean I can’t imagine a better timeline on which Benedict remained pope.

The Legacy of Joseph Ratzinger

With the death of Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), we look at his substantial legacy as theologian, priest, cardinal archbishop, head of the CDF, pope, and pope emeritus.

The Paradoxical Pope

In spite of the profound impact Pope Benedict XVI has had on my life (or perhaps because of it), I can’t help but have mixed—and confused—feelings about the man now that he has passed.

Joseph Ratzinger: A Man Sent from God

In my opinion, Joseph Ratzinger will be remembered as the best theologian of the twentieth century, having the longest and most impactful legacy of any Catholic theologian since Newman.

‘The Two Popes’ Is Pure Propaganda

The Two Popes is not so much a picture as it is propaganda. The Netflix original follows the mode of the liberal media, presenting imagined interactions and conversations between Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis (when he was Cardinal Bergoglio) that further an agenda that is bent on denouncing the Catholic Church with slick cinematography. … Read more

Buffalo Closure?

Bishop Richard J. Malone of the Diocese of Buffalo is “retiring” a couple of years early. After seven years of allegedly allowing priests accused of statutory rape and unwanted touching to remain in ministry, after concealing hundreds of pages of damning litigation documents from the public, after being secretly recorded calling an active parish priest … Read more

Welcome to the People’s Democratic Republic of Canada

Canadian voters have re-elected Justin Trudeau as their Prime Minister. The October 21 election shows that the Liberal Party garnered 157 seats to 121 for the Conservatives. Four other parties gained 60 seats total, which means that a Liberal minority will be in power. The popular vote was much closer with the Conservatives getting 34.4 … Read more

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