artificial intelligence

The “Sputnik Moment” Delusion

For at least a century or more, Westerners have been conditioned to see each new discovery and invention as a point in some grand civilizational competition. Connected to this framing is the simplistic belief in material progress.

Keep AI out of the Choir Loft

AI’s role in the choir loft should never replace the real men and women who sing “unto the Lord a new song” and tell “of his salvation from day to day.”

Elon Musk: Happy Totalitarian

You may have caught wind of the latest attempt by Elon Musk to improve upon our human lot, this time by wiring our brains into computers through implanted chips connected to ultrathin threads lacing our brain (hence, the name “neuralace”). If you can’t decipher his white paper, then catch his popular presentation on YouTube. The … Read more

Made in the Image of Man: How Big Tech Threatens our Humanity

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” — Genesis 1: 27 (RSV) In our time of digital revolution, the imagination is fast becoming obsolete. The company Neuralink is preparing to launch clinical human trials by next year of an implant … Read more

How Is a Man Not Like a Computer?

I have just read a fascinating and, to my mind, cheerful article, by the research psychologist Robert Epstein, on why your brain is not a computer—for the simple reason that your brain does not store memories in the way that a computer does, nor does it function according to algorithms. We are not computers but … Read more

Pope Francis and the Rise of the Robots

“I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel.” ∼ Frankenstein, Ch. 10 In January 2018, the World Economic Forum meeting at Davos received the following message on the threat posed by Artificial Life: Artificial intelligence, robotics and other technological innovations must be so employed that they contribute to the service of … Read more

Will Artificial Intelligence Produce a Dystopian Future?

In 2017 the following quotation was reported: What is going to be created will effectively be a god. It’s not a god in the sense that it makes lightning or causes hurricanes. But if there is something a billion times smarter than the smartest human, what else are you going to call it? These are … Read more

The Limits of Artificial “Intelligence”

The gauntlet has now been thrown down, that computers, or more specifically artificial intelligence, will soon be able to create more perfect art than humans. This prediction, or threat, depending upon your point of view, applies in particular to music, the most mathematical and ‘algorithmic’ of the arts, following set patterns of chord structure, harmonies, … Read more

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