Covid Regime

Memories of Lockdown

We have to remember the days of Covid. Write down your memories. Remember the bad days and the good. And remember the lies they told us.

Satanic Grammy Awards…Brought to You by Pfizer

The reason why the present vaccine regime is satanic has nothing to do with the reality of vaccinations as a form of immunization but, rather, with the rhetoric and mechanisms by which they have been enforced on the population.

The Covid Narrative Tide is Turning

As more information about the Covid vaccines and other media narratives are released, those of us who’ve been consigned to the Conspiracy Theory bin for the last few years are being sadly vindicated.

Big Medicine’s Fight Against Nature

Modern conventional medicine practitioners have become purveyors of sort of a “noble savage” concept of health, hence their nearly total lack of interest in diet, exercise, balanced sun exposure, fresh air, and health maintenance in general.

Gen Z Loves Big Brother

Gen Z’s apparent response to three years of controlled demolition of their freedoms and opportunities betrays a Stockholm syndrome-like affection for one’s abusers that is breathtaking.

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