Election 2022

Will The Right’s Next Pro-Life President Please Stand Up?

The Right’s former pro-life hero and the “greatest pro-life president we’ve ever had” thinks the “abortion issue” was an inconvenient problem that cost us the election…and especially inconvenient were those who dared to insist on no exceptions.

The Decline of the Catholic Vote

The midterm election is now well behind us, and the statisticians have calibrated the Catholic vote. Perhaps the busy reader would like an abridged summary: There is no Catholic vote. Why?

Gen Z Loves Big Brother

Gen Z’s apparent response to three years of controlled demolition of their freedoms and opportunities betrays a Stockholm syndrome-like affection for one’s abusers that is breathtaking.

bloody hand

Abortion Is Our Red Wave

In this election there was one big red wave, the certainty of which has continued its all too predictable march through every precinct in the land, signaling yet another triumph at the polls for abortion.

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