How Many Genders Have We Got?
Thank you, President Trump, for returning the question of gender and sex to the Book of Genesis where it rightly belongs.
Thank you, President Trump, for returning the question of gender and sex to the Book of Genesis where it rightly belongs.
The ambiguity wreaked by gender confusion makes any interpretation of what is “appropriate” open to debate.
Using preferred pronouns is not a harmless concession, but the first step in a cascade of interventions that make someone a patient of “trans” medical procedures for life.
The transgender hermit has practiced a deception upon the Church, for reality cannot be changed by our whims or delusions.
If the nonsense at St. Patrick’s had happened on my watch, I think I would have stopped the whole carnival, turned off the microphones and lights, and called the cops.
There are a whole host of questions that can be raised to show the inconsistencies of those who advocate for young people to gender “transition.”
While conservative Muslims and evangelical Christians have publicly fought against gender theory indoctrination, Catholics bishops have largely been silent.
In this land we live in now, people are so dis-integrated that they have often no love for the bodies God gave them but, instead, must have them mutilated, just as their families so often have been.
The hottest, new, jump-on-the-bandwagon idea in medicine, psychology, and education is “transitioning.” The theory behind the trans movement, however, is based on the work of a fraud.
It would be instructive to look at the current LGBTQ+ controversies in the light of the famous Scopes Trial.
The University of San Diego, while claiming to be Catholic, provides resources to help student “transition,” as well as obtain abortions, sterilizations, and vasectomies.
Cultural acceptance of abortion naturally leads to transgenderism, which asserts that a person’s body can be disconnected from his or her identity.
If we accept that mutilation is unhealthy and harmful—shouldn’t we be willing to say so, even if it’s an adult receiving it?
Our bishops cannot ignore the percolating civil war brewing in America over trans ideology.
Once you embrace the Sexual Revolution’s totalizing moral logic, it inevitably undermines many of the beliefs we hold dear in Western life, since it contradicts those beliefs so thoroughly.
As Pride Month 2023 blows itself out with its loud, frothy-mouthed proclamations that demand uncanny and unconditional validation, the voice of Irenaeus booms from the heavens like summer thunder, denying and denouncing their aberrations.
What is at stake in our current controversies regarding male and female? Nothing less than creation itself.
We are anchored to earth, yet we must aim for heaven, orchestrating our lives in a kind of rhythmic movement between these two orders of being.
A common leftist tactic is to cry “authoritarian theocracy” whenever a devout Catholic is considered for a position of influence. But another tactic consists of quietly invading and infiltrating Catholic institutions.
Fr. James Martin seems to think that LGBTQ+ love is a special way of loving that shouldn’t be governed by the rules that apply to others.