
You Are a Child of God, Not Your “Inner Child”

God calls us to be childlike, not childish. Overindulging and coddling ourselves does not lead us or the people around us to greater holiness, and being a child of God has nothing to do with the fiction of our “inner child.”

The Issue That Will Not Go Away

Kamala Harris, for all the word salads she throws together on issues like the border, crime, and inflation, is perfectly clear on the issue of abortion.

Two Americas

Two warring versions of America have battled for supremacy since the founders put their grievances in a Declaration—in truth, long before that—and each has its foundational myth.

Hunting as Conservation

Hunting encourages and forms a crucial part of a way of life that is inimical to the overreaching, socialist, digital dictatorships most modern governments seem to be becoming.

Physicians for Life

When doctors have become dealers in death, we need to sing the praises of those noble physicians who have taken a courageous stand for the culture of life.

Free the Uhuru Three!

The Uhuru Three, members of a Black Nationalists group, seem to be the latest victims of the FBI and its ongoing war on political speech.

Dishonest Agreement

The pope’s comment that “All religions are a path to God” was another instance where he says something which sounds charitable—and was likely meant charitably—but, in the end, turns out not to be so. 

An Open Letter to Conservative Dads

If your adult child is telling you that she (because it’s most likely a daughter) is going to be voting for Kamala Harris and the Democrats this November, you need to cut off that child financially.

Picking Our Poison With Pope Francis

When faced with two political candidates who are not aligned with Catholic fundamentals, it is permissible to cast a vote against the candidate who would do the most harm.

The Not-So-Great Debate

Debates ideally are supposed to clarify positions and contrast ideas. The exercise that Trump and Harris were engaged in during their first debate was all about rhetoric.

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