
Advent Memories of Ireland on Retreat

I once experienced Ireland as being warmed by peat fires, laughter, and locals who rose from benches to sing old emigration songs. But now I saw it covered in what seemed a blanketed indifference and cold-heartedness.

Michael Voris and the Perils of Celebrity

Michael Voris helped me on my path toward joining the Catholic Church. I can’t help but find his recent resignation and his own public scandal to be somewhat painful.

The Pink Synod

Certain seminaries became pink palaces, where seminarians and priests commonly shrugged away their vows of chastity, treating such sins with a thoroughly modern wink and a nudge.

The Everlasting Revival

Movements of large-scale change and conversion cannot be manufactured; they must be caught and spread. Programs do not change people. People change other people. 

A Kneeling Theology

When theologians withhold their assent from all that the Church has consistently taught from the very beginning until now, they pretty much leave everything in ruins.

Twilight in Tyler

Many of us heard the voice of a shepherd in Bishop Strickland and moved to Tyler, Texas in response. It’s a gut punch to lose him now.

Ruling vs. Leading the Church

In Pope Francis’s favorite book “The Lord of the World,” the fictional pope does not lead but rules the Church. Ecclesiastical power is centralized in his person. The Cardinal Legates are his supervisors of the local Church. Some might see a pattern here.

The Hyperinflation of the Papacy

The role of the papacy in the minds of too many Catholics has morphed from being the center of Church unity to the source of Church teaching.

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