
To Catch a Killer

Enforcing the small laws can lead to a reduction of violations of the big laws, not on the basis of “broken windows” theory but a Catholic theology of sin.

June 28 and the Original Gender Defender

As Pride Month 2023 blows itself out with its loud, frothy-mouthed proclamations that demand uncanny and unconditional validation, the voice of Irenaeus booms from the heavens like summer thunder, denying and denouncing their aberrations.

Beyond the Post-Roe Generation

With Dobbs, our nation has finally taken a significant step in the right direction in regard to abortion. This is surely a decision to be rejoiced over and celebrated. Yet, a problem remains. 

The Flight From Reality

We are anchored to earth, yet we must aim for heaven, orchestrating our lives in a kind of rhythmic movement between these two orders of being.

Lighting a Candle to Rainbow Zeus

This June, say no. Don’t bow down to the Rainbow Zeus. The rainbow nonsense is not a grassroots thing. It is purely top-down, forced on us by the rich and powerful.

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