
When the Vatican Gets It Wrong

One reason Catholics often treat any criticism of the Vatican as verboten arises from an awareness of how much the Church’s authority depends in practice upon public opinion, in a way it did not previously.

What Does the Pope Really Mean?

The pope is a pastor more than a thinker. We cannot expect the intellectual rigor of either of his two most recent predecessors. But am I the only one who feels like this “two steps forward, two steps back” is a little confusing?

A Historical Precedent for Trump

The division in French society over Alfred Dreyfus and the events that led to his conviction bear an eerie similarity to what is happening to American society over the crimes charged against Donald Trump.

A Pragmatic Alliance

The Trump-led Conservative Movement won’t save the nation, but it will at least keep the State from coming after practicing Catholics.

The War on Beauty

In 2024, it seems we have betrayed the classical ideals of beauty in favor of something more superficial and emptier, something that prioritizes shock value over substance.

Permanent Characters

How many Catholics take their sacramental characters anywhere near as seriously as the characters they tattoo on their bodies?

The Ultimate D-Day

For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the example of D-Day should remind us of another and very different battle, one which was fought a long time ago and on a far greater scale.

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