
The Ultimate D-Day

For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the example of D-Day should remind us of another and very different battle, one which was fought a long time ago and on a far greater scale.

Homer Versus Virgil

Considering the epics of Homer and Virgil will enable us to understand the epochs in which they lived and in which we live and to move toward answering them.

The Once and Future Christendom

Thinking clearly and asking ourselves hard questions about the future is the first step toward finding alternative ways of living the Faith that will outlast the current crisis the Church finds herself in.

The Beauty of Tradition

“Traditional” Catholics have all the best stories and music and art, if for no other reason than that moral indifference does not a drama make.

The Rainbow Illusion

June has been hijacked by the rainbow flag—a symbol of delusion, a bending of nature, relativism of truth, and an embracing of darkness.

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