
Can We Talk About J6?

The “insurrection” narrative has enjoyed unchallenged dominance for so long, the reckoning will take time. Let us finally begin to hear the truth about that fateful day.

The Deep State Is Trying to Start WWIII

The Deep State is trying to start a world war—and they might get what they want. But if they fail, the public mandate for peace under President Trump will become even greater.

America and Europe: Where Are They Bound?

There are parallels and differences between America and Europe—and overall is the mutually shared situation in the Catholic Church, which affects and is affected by the political scene on both continents.

Deus Vult: Part of Our Christian Heritage

The reaction to the Deus Vult tattoo is part of an insidious attempt to portray legitimate goods, and even integral elements of our Faith, as unacceptable for polite company or participation in public life.

Prepare for Deportation

The law of God commands us to perform corporal works of mercy but also to obey the just laws of our land. And there is nothing unjust in having laws that govern the process of immigration—and Catholics should stand by those laws with confidence.

Free to Speak Another Day (or Four Years)

Why am I joyful about the results of November 5? Because I am free to live as a Catholic for another day (or four years). I am free to speak against evil and darkness, now and into the foreseeable future.

2024 Proves 2020 Was Stolen

The numbers from the 2020 election, especially compared to other recent elections, just don’t add up; or rather, they add up to too much.

Exempt the Amish

Lawmakers should repay the Amish for serving our country by exempting them from selective service.

Analyzing the Trump Team

Donald Trump won in part because he built a coalition of eclectic personalities such as RFK, Jr., Elon Musk, and Tulsi Gabbard. From a Catholic perspective, what are their strengths and weakness?

Dancing in the Streets

I am happy, deliriously so, and grateful. I am floating in a sea of gratitude and amazement over the Trump victory.

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