
Tucker Carlson’s Spiritual World

Tucker Carlson claims that “spiritual” forces are at work in the world, directly involved in events from the creation of the atom bomb to supposed alien sightings. What are Catholics to make of these claims?

Conservatism, Inc. Continues Its Decline

Waffling on abortion, spending billions on foreign wars, playing identity politics, defending moral evils: the Conservative Establishment has little to do with actual conservatism these days. What is the political path forward for conservative Catholics?

Biden the Apostate 

Any honest observer recognizes that it was no accident that President Biden embraced “transgender day of visibility” even though it fell on the same day as Easter Sunday.

‘Protect the Vulnerable’: Why Trump Must Win in 2024

Most major Catholic commentators on the border crisis have for decades played the part of Judas, offering impersonal and meaningless kisses to the image of God imprinted on every raped, massacred, and ignored victim of our unsecured border.

The Blood-Thirsty Democrats

Vice President Kamala Harris’s recent visit to an abortion clinic highlights how much the Democratic Party has embraced child-killing.

A Catechism to Save Biden’s Soul

For any who may need a catechism refresher, Biden’s statements on the House floor would qualify as grave external violations of the First and Fifth Commandments. They contain irreverence, scandal, and moral cooperation in murder.

The Reign of the Methuselahs

Why are so many men and women who clearly only have a few years left on this earth so obsessed with exercising power until their final moments?

Bishop Strickland Changes the Game

On Friday, history unfolded as Bishop Joseph Strickland addressed the crowd at the CPAC Ronald Reagan Dinner in the nation’s capital. Now the world of conservative politics is being transformed.

February: a President and a Pope

The reigns of Ronald Reagan and Pope Benedict XVI resemble one another because both presided over periods of “Restoration” and were followed by a further fall.

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