
The Quest for the True Cross

The reality of the True Cross, found by St. Helena, testifies to the historical facts behind the Gospel, and thereby behind our salvation.

Light a Siena Fire

In our world today, it is boldness among the faithful which is the ingredient that we lack the most.

Nationalistic Saints

Saints such as Joan of Arc and Thomas More demonstrate that being holy does not mean being disengaged from public service.

Mother Cabrini’s Empire of Hope: The Movie

Cabrini is basically an action movie, a David and Goliath tale. You can’t help but cheer for the underdog who feels God’s call so intensely. It will capture young viewers with the risk and excitement of the Christian life.

Are We Catholic Enough to Make Enemies?

St. John Bosco underwent assassination attempts because of his bold mission in Catholic education. Should Catholic schools expect to make similar enemies if they are truly teaching the Faith?

Too Many Saints Looking for Work!

Think about all the saints in Heaven who have never had big followings, or have simply been forgotten by us on this side of the veil. They are waiting there for you and me to ask for their intercession. 

Saints Walking Among Us

Gaining a cozy, daily familiarity with a handful of the old saints can alleviate some of the depression and loneliness we might feel in the present often unfriendly environment of our Church.

Remembering the Slave of the Slaves

St. Peter Claver’s ministry to black slaves is plainly remarkable and perhaps unparalleled among anyone in the history of the Catholic Church and perhaps Christianity as a whole.

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