Weekly Headlines

Suffering Within the Domestic Church

My trial with cancer has become that primer for our family. Through it, we are learning how to suffer and are growing in a deeper understanding and appreciation of the beauty of the cross.

The False Canonization of Matthew Shepard

The story of the anti-gay hate crime murder of Matthew Shepard in 1998 caused a nation to see “homophobia” under every corner. The only problem is that the story was a lie.

The Torn Mantle of Paul VI

Pope Francis seems to think he has taken up the mantle of Pope Paul VI, who one writer has called “the first modern pope,” where Francis thinks his successors turned away from it.

Mothers of Men

One of the key places where modernity went wrong was in its belief that education is a gender-neutral activity. Boys in particular suffer from this error.

Post-Sanity America

What do you do when you live in a culture where, to an alarming degree, the institutions are run by lunatics—madmen and women who can wield power over you, no matter how much you try to evade them?

Rescuing the Republic

If the unfolding lunacy we see day after day coming out of Washington doesn’t lead to a red wave in November, then the whole country has gone crackers.

C in a Nutshell

“C” by Maurice Baring is little known, but received the highest of praise from the French novelist André Maurois, who wrote that no book had given him such pleasure since his reading of Tolstoy, Proust, and certain novels by E.M. Forster.

Rethinking Obedience in an Age of Resistance

The idea of “resisting” makes a lot of Catholics understandably nervous. We are, of course, brought up to be loyal sons of the Church. But there have always been exceptions, and we definitely live in an exceptional time.

The Temptations of the Intellectual

Intellectuals often suffer from a deep vanity, the emptiest of all manifestations of envy or pride. But their intellect often leads them to accept the most stupid of ideas.

The Synod of the Red Death

Despite all the talk of “building a new Church,” the energy of progressive Catholicism is all in the service of denial and destruction.

Is the West Turning Fascist?

Leftists use the smear “fascist” so often that the word has become completely untethered from its original meaning. Much like the term “racist,” “fascist” is simply shorthand for anyone who opposes leftism

Originalism: A Catholic Constitutionalism

Originalism proposes that the values of the Constitution are unchanging, and developments in constitutional interpretation over the years should be based on courts’ application of those original values to the case law.

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