Art & Culture

How Did This Happen?

A sacrilegious music video filmed in a Catholic church raises many questions of how such a thing could have happened in the first place.

Pilgrim Music

Modern masters of lust scream and shout their rock songs, but medieval peasants sing of beauty, salvation, and death to their mother.

100% Proof Spirits? G.K. Chesterton and Belief in Ghosts

The fact that seasonal stories of spooks and specters are now spoken of in terms of “proof” and “evidence,” not simple “belief” and “faith,” is symptomatic of a wider spiritual malaise in our society—one first spotted by G.K. Chesterton over a century ago.

Living in Lantua

Dystopia doesn’t judge as much as it observes and predicts. If we do A, then B will happen. Hence, dystopia has come to be a means of critiquing society in a way that gets past our ideological barriers.

The War of the Worlds: Faith vs. Cowardice

Though typically memorialized as one of the earliest exemplars of the science-fiction genre, “War of the Worlds” offers a biting commentary on the futility and uselessness of the theologically-inclined, and especially clerics.

Restoring a Diverse Catholic Unity

With the breakdown of Christendom and the loss of any sort of Christian identity, we are experiencing a period of cultural homogeneity determined by the reigning power.

Is It a Sin to Watch Oppenheimer?

The inclusion of a sex scene with nudity in the movie “Oppenheimer” recently generated huge controversy in the Catholic world. What are the moral implications of watching such scenes and supporting such movies?

You Have a Fast Car

The fast car stands for breaking away, breaking free. We’ve been there, burdened down by responsibilities, struggling paycheck to paycheck, living in a poor part of town, looking for a better life—will things ever get better?

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