Art & Culture

Truths Unlooked For

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is a return to the good action/adventure/sci-fi romp, with excellent story and spectacle and no wokeness. More surprisingly, it’s also profound thanks to its shocking religious themes.

The Joys of Gender

What appears to be a perfectly natural and normal sexual identity has now become nothing more than a social construct, thus enabling people endlessly to experiment with their biological being, juggling one or more genders at a time. 

Thirsting for Souls

Unlike Dennis Prager’s “silo approach” to sin, the Christian view of sin includes a wholesome, integrated view of the human person.

What Is a Mother?

Roe v. Wade taught Americans that the value and even acknowledgment of the fact of motherhood lies not in motherhood but in one’s attitude toward it.

Just Plain Stupid

The technological marvels of our era have promoted mass vanity, the delusion that we are the masters of our destiny: a perfect storm for mass stupidity.

These Memberless Men

Eunuch-hood is now being described as a new gender category, but we should call it what it is, a madness that has seeped from the dark corners of our culture.

Nefarious Is…

Nefarious is not a horror movie along the lines of Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Nightmare on Elm Street. It was basically a conversation between an unbeliever and a demon. And the demon had all the muscle.

The Joy of the Habsburg Legacy

Archduke Eduard Habsburg of Austria could have seen his family legacy as a burden, but instead his family’s past and present give him great joy.

When Gods Descend

The story of Zeus forcing himself upon Leda contrasts sharply with the invitation of the true God to the young girl of Nazareth.

Why So Serious?

What young people need most right now is not so much understanding, compassion, antidepressants, or therapy; they need a good belly laugh, preferably at their own expense. 

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