
Dishonest Agreement

The pope’s comment that “All religions are a path to God” was another instance where he says something which sounds charitable—and was likely meant charitably—but, in the end, turns out not to be so. 

An Open Letter to Conservative Dads

If your adult child is telling you that she (because it’s most likely a daughter) is going to be voting for Kamala Harris and the Democrats this November, you need to cut off that child financially.

Picking Our Poison With Pope Francis

When faced with two political candidates who are not aligned with Catholic fundamentals, it is permissible to cast a vote against the candidate who would do the most harm.

The Not-So-Great Debate

Debates ideally are supposed to clarify positions and contrast ideas. The exercise that Trump and Harris were engaged in during their first debate was all about rhetoric.

Safety Last

A desire to be safe and secure above all cannot be reconciled with the Christian life.

Transcending the World

St. Augustine, for all that he’s immersed in a disintegrating world, has at the same time quite succeeded in transcending it—thanks to the grace of a conversion that will literally lift him above circumstance.

Living in a Conviction-less Age

Christians’ lack of conviction was the catalyst for Christ being removed from the cultural throne of the West. Instead, we have accepted a bland, banal, suburban counterfeit that requires very little sacrifice or suffering.

The Post-Vatican II Pseudo-Spiritual Movement

With the demise of the traditional, God-centered spirituality that once thrived in the Church, new secular missionaries rushed in to introduce their man-centered sociopsychological therapies of one form or another.

Coming Home

For Catholics, it is not simply the church or churches of our childhood or youth that are home. It is every Catholic Church or Chapel from whence the sacraments are administered.

Questioning Narratives

More and more people argue that we should not accept dominant narratives at face value, especially when those who vigorously promote these narratives advance their own power base in doing so.

A Pre-Debate Huddle

Our government officials and representatives do not hold enshrined any philosophic, anthropological, or religious principle or principles to guide them in wisdom toward the common good.

Go Forth in Dance

The animosity toward dancing found in some traditionalist Catholic communities reveals an imagination that is deeply out of touch with our Christian culture.

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