Editor's Picks

Criminals for the Gospel of Life

What does it mean for pro-lifers to be in jail? In this Culture of Death—in the morally upside-down world, jailed pro-lifers have placed themselves on the side of an unwanted, outcast people.

Pride Month Goeth Before a Fall

The Rainbow Flag is a lie, plain and simple, and it shouldn’t be tolerated either on the conservative Christian side or the liberal secular side. It is pandering, it is patronizing, it is grooming.

Put an End to the Madness!

Pope Francis has to stop the madness, and until he steps in to do so the Church will continue to fracture and unravel, spiraling completely out of control.

Our Incurious Bishops

At a time when religious practice is rapidly declining in this country, any rapidly-growing subset of the Faith is an anomaly that should interest our Catholic bishops.

Did the New Atheists Win?

The rise of the New Atheists in the early 2000’s led to a steep decline in religious affiliation in America. How will the Church respond?

Overschooled and Undereducated

The purpose of schooling—which is not the same as education—is to encourage people to express confident platitudes, which they are pleased to call their opinions, about things they know nothing of.

A Eucharistic Revolt

One cannot help but come to the conclusion that Fr. Thomas Reese is not after a Eucharistic Revival. He is after a Eucharistic Revolt.

Clericalism Is Dead. Long Live Clericalism!

The clericalism that was once considered the realm of clergy who treated lay people like children has transferred its loyalty to a new generation of priests, who clothe their power-seeking ways in faux humility and New Yorker lingo.

The Covid Narrative Tide is Turning

As more information about the Covid vaccines and other media narratives are released, those of us who’ve been consigned to the Conspiracy Theory bin for the last few years are being sadly vindicated.

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