
Are We All Schismatics Now?

Today, the word “schismatic” is often thrown as an epithet to describe one’s ecclesial enemies, but the term has a historical meaning that should not be forgotten.

The Illusion of “Brain Death”

Are “brain-dead” patients truly dead or, rather, severely disabled but living human persons? This distinction is literally a matter of life or death, and it is a matter of practical significance for every American who has a driver’s license.

You Cannot Serve God and Mammon

Mammon is properly not “served” but “used.” It is a thing. It serves a purpose: acquiring goods that better human life. If we “use” mammon for that purpose, it’s good; if we “serve” mammon, we make a tool which should be our servant our master.

Being Alert to Singularity

Singularity is the sin of taking satisfaction in flying above my neighbor, running ahead of the crowd, wandering off the beaten track in my prayer life, my devotion, and my spirituality.

The Commoditization of the Faithful

Conflict can lead to fewer butts in the pews and less income for the Church. This can lead to pastors being unwilling to teach challenging things for fear of driving away wealthy donors.

The Skies Are Darkening

As the storm approaches, I have a strange kind of calm. I know that my wife and my children love me, so that’s all right; and I do trust that they know I love them. But a man wants something other than that. We need to be needed. 

You Are Your Child’s Teacher

The great deceit of modernity is the outsourcing of parenting and education to the state, principally through the school system, with the expectation that children will not have divided loyalty.

Bring Back the Box

Face-to-face Confession has become the norm. But I can’t help but wonder how many souls have been discouraged in the process. Confession is easily the most intimate spiritual thing imaginable. Is assumed confidentiality really enough?

The Unvaccinated Have Won

Justin Trudeau has relented to public pressure and the growing national and international resentment against him and has thusly dropped his insane segregationist vaccine border mandate.

The Anti-Catholic Path of Synodality

The real problem behind the Synod on Synodality is the fatally-flawed underlying presuppositions about how the Church operates and the role of the laity in shaping it.

The Blessings of Non-Essential Services

In times of need, we discover that so-called “nonessential services”—which our political and religious leaders denied us two years ago—are actually not so nonessential after all.

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